Statement of Chairman of the Board of Directors,
President and Chief Operating Officer
Dear Shareholders and Stakeholders
Thailand’s economy in 2023 showed a sign of recovery after the subsidence of COVID-19 pandemic situation. This revival led to improved confidence in the consumers and business sector as well as increased domestic spending and business expansion. Nevertheless, macro-economic factors and rapid change in global situation in the past year created many challenges for Thai entrepreneurs in all sectors.
As for the telecommunication industry, the year 2023 was a year of significant change. The telecommunications business continued to show a favorable growth, which was driven from various factors, including change of consumers’ behavior, factors of environment and economy, and growth of technology, which increased demand of data transmission and data communication. Besides, the Government’s policy that continuously and intensively promotes and supports digital economy and society during the past years together with technology advancement that facilitates new forms of business operations has caused various organizations, both public and private sectors, to adapt quickly to be digitalized by applying technology to various operations. The Company seized this opportunity to accelerate revenue and profit growth. Nevertheless, the existing fluctuations from internal and external factors, including change in landscape of telecommunication business operation, mergers of telecommunication service providers in the past year, intense price competition, as well as social and environmental challenges have urged the Company to strengthen its strategies and elevate its operations including managing and formulating measures to prevent risks carefully to ensure that the Company is able to respond promptly to competitive conditions, deal with both unfavorable situations and business opportunities efficiently, and respond the needs of customers at every moment. The company explicitly demonstrated its potential and ability to manage business to meet goals and achieve success by being able to create remarkable performance and strong financial growth continually.
In addition to managing business for strong financial growth, nurturing environment, taking responsibility to society, conducting business ethically based on the good corporate governance framework, and treating all groups of stakeholders fairly are our important mission. The Company is committed to operate business in accordance with sustainable development policy and guidelines, covering all dimensions, including environment, social, and governance (ESG), firmly believing that it will lead the Company to be an organization that has stability and grow together with environment, society, communities and all groups of stakeholders in a balanced manner in the long run.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, executives and employees, we would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to the shareholders, customers, suppliers, business partners, financial institutions, as well as public and private agencies for your trust and continued support. We have still adhered to conducting business in accordance with sustainable development guidelines based on the good corporate governance framework to lead Company toward sustainable growth, maximize benefit to shareholders, create value for all stakeholders and contribute prosperity for our country.

(Mr. Woodtipong Moleechad)
Chairman of the Board

(Mr. Kranphol Asawasuwan)

(Mr. Alex Loh )
Chief Operating Officer